The BAZA Market
Wednesdays is market day in BAZA – not the easiest thing to find if you don’t know the place – but worth the trip. A fairly big market – with a massive variety – though most of the food is as you see here – to wrap up and take home – if you actually want to eat at the market your choices are a little more limited. We ended up having the menu del dias at a nearby Chinese.
I don’t know what it is about us and markets… maybe it’s just the fact that there is so much variety – and we always arrange to go when the weather is nice (not difficulty in Spain as in summer it’s almost ALWAYS nice).
There’s always that chance of finding something “special” though most of the time we simply wander about spending very little money (I have to steer Maureen away from the handbag stalls though).
There’s street after street of market and being Baza, some of it is quite hilly – we got there a little late and so some stalls were starting to close by around 1.30pm therefore for anyone reading this and planning a trip to the market, a good time to turn up might be around 11am. The Baza market is on every Wednesday.