The Now Defunct Emilios and Far from defunct 3JJJs
For years, my favourite breakfast spot was Emilios bar/restaurant on the road from Huescar to Baza via Castillejar. Nothing better than a quiet breakfast outside in the sun at this delightful but now sadly defunct bar just past Los Carriones on the A4200 route from Huescar and on to Benamourel and Baza.

Sadly now closed but just further west a km or so is the Bar 3JJJs with its shop which sells lots of English food for those who like to buy English food (generally not a fan with exceptions). Google Maps rightly calls the shop Supermercado El Salto but seems to make no reference to the 3JJJs displayed proudly on the wall of this smaller but pleasant cafe. I’m not one for unhealthy “Full English” breakfast but made an exception this week and can recommend the place for said full English as well as my more normal coffee (cafe con leche) and “tostada con tomate” breakfast. Staff are pleasant and a good if simple atmosphere.

For me you can’t beat a simple tostada – not pre-made but with toast, a bowl of tomato, a bottle of olive oil and salt, out in the country away from towns and the noise.
Mid-September update
Slight amendment to 3JJJs recommendation – this week gone I ordered tostada con tomate e queso fundida (toast with tomato and melted cheese) – the tomatoes, instead of being finely chopped as usual came simply sliced complete with skin etc… didn’t enjoy that at all, others might. Never come across that in spain in all the years we’ve been here. Won’t try that again.