What’s this about?
This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

Find out more about this by reading through the blog entries, menu-accessible pages and archives if you're interested! Welcome to Peter and Maureen's Spanish website.

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In the beginning…

You will have to have figured out by now that the weather here in Blighty is just NOT going to get any better. As we prepare to leave to start our hols, the weather in the Northeast continues to remind us why half a million Brits have cleared off to Europe – rubbish climate. I’m updating this blog at 8.30am in the morning here in Northumberland and the weather is AWFUL.

Meanwhile over in Spain the weather has apparently been pretty consistent recently, between 24 and 30 degrees during the day – and most of it without clouds! We’ve bought a place over there – and we’ve a series of planned trips in the coming months to turn it into a functioning second home. The location is Galera, near Huescar in Andalucia.

Of COURSE I’ve packed everything but the kitchen sink, some of which is going to be MURDER to actually get there – I can only hope the car rental place is VERY near the airport.

Current state of play is that the cave, from here on in referred to as “Bedrock” is empty but the movers have already shipped lots of stuff we need (including a large bed and an all-important Jacuzzi) ready for delivery next week. We need to sign some papers, move imported furniture in, buy some more furniture and assemble that in blazing heat, get the broadband working, get the drinks organised…..

This blog then will be in reverse order with the latest developments at the top. My job as well as signing papers and dragging gear over there is to get the technology organised – we’ve no telephone but they have what’s referred to as “rural broadband” so by now that roof below will have a little box on it pointing to a transmitter somewhere in the mountains and hopefully in a few days I’ll have WiFi running throughout the building – and of course there’s the all-important satellite dish – which has to be twice the size over there…. of course with SKYPE you always have a phone – and we’ve bought a little Internet radio for music-while-u-work… there’ll be a lot of that at first.

There is a tremendous amount of work involved in a project like this – electricity and water are in but that’s about it. We’ve bought dishwasher, Microwave, washing machine, kettle, iron, furniture – it’s FRIGHTENING how much stuff you need to set up a house.. at least the logistics of it have thankfully been made as smooth as possible by an excellent sales organisation over there. More as events unfold.

The empty house as it was a few months ago in winter, (early 2008)

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