Back in the Sun Again
And wonderful it is, after a miserable winter back in the UK, extended by months thanks to Covid – or rather thanks to those who choose to ignore government guidelines and hence who have helped to keep the disease running. Overall, things are great now we’re back in Galera – it is certainly great to be here, we’ve not had a chance to meet up with friends yet (with a small number of nearby exceptions) as we have so very much to do – but even here the “we’re all in it together” mantra seems to have fallen on deaf ears in some cases.
Only days or weeks before we returned to our corner of Galera, some bastard took the time to steal one of our better solar lights – the replacement is on it’s way. To our many friends here, I hope you are all well – to the person who stole our property – I hope you die a violent death, alone, coughing your guts up.