Last Decent Sunsets of 2019
How well I remember the last of the Spanish sunsets of 2019, before we headed off back to the British rain in October. The weather prospects for the Northeast of England in October were as usual, not good and have remained poor since. That Spanish summer (aside from the odd flood and scorching hot August) was special for us. When we first came to Galera many years ago, who could have thought we’d come to think of the area as home.
In all that time, many have come and gone but we’ve stayed and made friends along the way. In our absence we have great neighbours and trustworthy cameras, so the place should be in great shape for our return – somewhat delayed thanks to Covid-19. Now, if I could just say something nice about the reliability of our electric supply, I would, but I can’t.
On our last full day in 2019 our friends and neighbours Karen and Dave along with Maureen and I took our cats Simba, Ruffy and Percy (their dog) for a nice walk to one of the “seats”up at the higher local peaks. It all seemed quite normal at the time, I can’t believe how much we miss that now.