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This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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A Seaside Camping Break

Well, not quite camping, last night, three of us shared a little bungalow down at Camping Los Esculos at Cabo De Gata. What a lovely break with some fabulous scenery.Artist selling paintings near the sea

We set off first thing in the morning to drive down to Cabo De Gata to meet up with friends John and Julia, John and Debbie who are actually camping down there.  Maureen, Marsha and I drove down and made our first stop in Nijar where we picked up various bits and pieces including some very nice Nag Champa. The town is in pretty dire countryside with huge areas covered in plastic but in itself the town is very nice indeed – well worth a look up and down the main street.


When the arrived at the camp, the guys were still out to lunch and so we headed for the pool, which I have to say was very nice but for one thing – flies – millions of them. We spent a little time in the pool and generally sun-bathing.


Eventually the flies got to be too much and we headed back to our bungalow to get ready for the evening and enjoy some fizzy wine and tapas – a suitable start to the night on our 32nd wedding anniversary.


For the cost of these bungalows which include access to the pool – excellent value, worked out about £25 each person for the three of us sharing – 2 rooms, bathroom, main room+kitchen and porch. Not enough room to swing a very large cat but perfectly acceptable and including effective air-conditioning. Note that from 1st of July of course the place is now in season and those prices will no longer apply.


In the evening we all went off to the camp restaurant, which apart from very sluggish service was indeed a very nice and the food ok.  I took this picture on the way over to the restaurant just as the sun was going down.

3 amigos

First thing in the morning we headed over to where the guys had their own camping accommodation and enjoyed a great breakfast with them – thanks guys.


The three of us then headed off to the coast to have a look around and eventually found our way up via many coastal areas to Mojacar where we had an excellent lunch at the commercial centre which looks over the sea before doing a bit more shopping and heading back home to Galera.


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