The Lake – and Sockets
An interesting day, we went off to the lake for some relaxation, spending most of the afternoon there. When we got back at night, I remembered I was planning on putting an external socket up to power our green rope-light. I opened up the socket which we bought at the Chinese junk store to discover it only works with single-core cable. You know the stuff I mean, instead of loads of thin copper threads, there’s single, stiff copper core for each of live, neutral and earth. Well, I thought every store known to man sold this. I went to the Ferreteria in Galera, she sold the SAME Sockets but didn’t have a CLUE what I was talking about when it came to single core cable. WORSE, try as I might apart from a roll of earth wire and some satellite cable, I could not find ANYTHING remotely approaching mains cable in the store… but they sell plugs and sockets! How weird is that.
So, I gave up with the stores in Galera I headed off to Huescar. Then it got WORSE. I went to my favourite hardware store there and though the lady who runs it does not speak English, her assistant (could be her daughter) does – and she informed me that “around here” no-one uses single core cable!! So much for standards! The simplest solution was to buy a new external socket as they were only a fiver so that’s what I did, driving off home and by the sound of it taking the pavement with me (I didn’t look but whatever it was made a hell of a racket – I suspect the pavement over there is made from the same stuff they made our driveway here – i,e. rubbish). As we settled down for the evening I noted one of those powered hang-gliders wandering about in the warm evening air above Galera… wonderful.