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This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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Posts Tagged ‘Xenet’

All Change: 4G+ Bargain Pricing in Spain

Mobile Operators

Elsewhere in here I’ve gone into detail about our struggle here in Galera (Granada, Spain) with broadband, starting with the takeover of “Habland” broadband company who then became “Excom”, renegged on promises of fibre to the extremes of our village, denied that for years that they had always offered a variable rate for dish broadband users etc…. it’s a long sordid story fully detailed here. After much well-documented research I decided to move completely over to 4G+ for our broadband – again detailed in the link above – so here’s an important update:

I originally tried various companies for 4G+ mobile – with 5G being spotty or unavailable in our area. 4G+ can manage speeds of maybe 150Mbps/sec download depending on signal strength and with a strong signal makes for viable broadband at a cost well below that of Starlink (even at the greatly reduced “de-prioritised” price in Spain – way below UK price) and available in those areas where fibre seems impossible. Starlink incidentally now offer as little as €29 a month for the supposedly “de-prioritised” service – but that price cleverly excludes a tax and is in fact nearer €38 + equipment purchase/rental – as of the latest version that DOES include eithernet connectors. Personally I still think Starlink have some way to go with their deals as coastal broadband providers regularly charge less than 25 Euros a month but I’m speaking from a non-business perspective.

The 4G companies over time I tried include Simyo, Hits (virtual operators) and MANY others – most of which offer “unlimited” 4G+ at the top end but who in reality have fair use policies meaning “unlimited” is not unlimited i.e. they are lying pond-scum with their true service hidden in the small print just like UK providers. Then I settled on Digi for “broadband” as they offer (almost uniquely) truly unlimited 4G+ data at (previously €25) – now €20 a month + Xenet (who’s “unlimited” offer €21 a month is in fact limited to 300GB) for my phone and as a backup – the tariff I chose for Xenet was €14/month for 140GB/month max (no data carry-over) and the two companies worked well for me and others I’ve advised. Before anyone comments – Movistar and Lycamobile prices are higher.

In February 2024 I moved my mobile over to Digi at €13 for 100GB, (at face value) less data than Xenet, but unlike Xenet, the data can be carried over to the next month if unused – Digi also updated their APP and in the process I lost access – they told me to unregister and re-register with the APP, I did that and in the process gained a free 50GB welcome bonus. Late June 2024, 3 days into the new Digi month I currently have 199GB available on the phone SIM and of course, unlimited on my router SIM.

Digi unlimited

So, short summary – for me at least, Digi currently offers the best deals – Digi have not only reduced their €25 offering to €20 but also changed their lower offerings, making them more desirable even than Xenet for limited data with the changes shown below:

Digi pricing

Finally, Digi also continue to offer an unbeatable bottom-of-range price of €3 for 3GB (no I am not associated in any way with them)

I hope others find this information useful (I only stress that you should check signal levels in your area before adopting 4G+ for broadband). I should say that the deal includes “unlimited” calls and SMS but as I never make “traditional phone calls” and only ever receive SMSs from various companies confirming identity – I can’t really comment on calls or SMS.