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This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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Posts Tagged ‘The London Olympics and an evolving Grapevine’

The First Week – Grapevines and the London Olympics

We’re coming to the end of our first week and up to now we’ve seen 2 drops of rain, yesterday which lasted a short before the clouds magically disappeared – and now we’re back to beautiful sunshine.

The Grapevine

As you can see from the photo, the first grapevine is coming along splendidly, we’ve just added another to the other side of the Pergola we well as fixing some wear and tear to the sun-shades.

The IT CaveThere has been a very slight mist for much of the week which has kept temperatures in check to a magical 30c mid-day – which is just about right IMHO. Yesterday after a late start we went off shopping and Maureen did a spot of painting while I caught up with emails and added some finishing touches to the revised “IT Cave” which as you can see is coming along nicely.

Last night we popped into the village to meet up with friends and ended up spending most of the night sitting in front of the pizza cafe. We met up with a couple we’ve known for some time now and while the girls went off to investigate the Flamenco dancing and a chance to do a spot of line-dancing (over my dead body), Len and I decided instead to sit outside and watch the Olympic opening ceremony – and I have to say, very, very impressive it was.

Jet pack from 1984The colours of the stadium itself and the various teams were just stunning and as for the “Bond” scene – magic… though it’s going to take something to beat the 1984 Olympics in which Bill Suitor flew into the Los Angeles Olympics wearing the Bell Aerodynamics rocket pack (Jet pack) in a real-life scene straight out of science-fiction, a scene watched by 2 billion awe-struck people. That jetpack is in use today for search and rescue. It would have been nice to see a 21st century version of that stunning display at the Olympics yesterday but none-the-less yesterday was an event to be proud of.

You might be interested in this reminder of the amazing 1984 display. If you can see past the dodgy video quality and bear in mind they had no-where near the technology we have today, this was a pretty stunning opening.

Bill Suitor at the 1984 Olympics

This morning we had a lie-in, by the time I got up Maureen had the paint-pot out again – and apologies to any of you who’ve been trying to look-in via the www.bedrock.es domain – I just discovered that 123-reg had screwed up the linking – that is now back in working order.

We’re having a night-in tonight having well and truly overdone it during our first week – perhaps a trip to the lake tomorrow assuming the weather holds out.