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This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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Posts Tagged ‘A trip to Guadix’

The Guadix Trip

BrianaWe’ve been to Guadix before – but just passing through and I seem to recall the weather being poor and everything was closed the one time we went into the city. Guadix is a city in the province of Granada on the left bank of the river Guadix.

So today was something new. We headed off first thing from Galera to drop Maureen’s god-daughter Briana off at the train station. She has been staying with us but now it is time to continue her adventure. Her train was at 10am and we turned up a little early, just enough time for some photos.

There was hardly a soul at the station, just a cleaner at first, like something out of an old western. Apparently it seems the area has seen it’s share of movie action in the past.

Guadix stationThe train arrived more or less on time – we had a quick look in (none of the security you might expect at a station in the UK) – looked like a reasonably fast and modern train –  off she went to Seville (as it turns out – she only got part way there and had to take a bus – one of our friends here had warned us in the bar some time ago that this might happen but somehow it all got forgotten) and Maureen and I headed back into Guadix to make good use of our time there.

In town we parked the car up, grabbed some coffee and tostada at a local cafe and went off sight-seeing. By the time we started wandering around the temperature was up way past 30c.

GuadixThe first thing we came across was an excavation in progress.


We know nothing about it but it looks like it is going to make for interesting sight-seeing – it was right in front of the large Guadix cathedral.

CathedralWe headed off to the latter, I took some photos and we took a look around the city itself.

The shops looked nothing to write home about and eventually toward lunchtime we headed off back to the motorway.

As often happens we ended up on what Maureen affectionately calls a Peter-tour on a country road which started off great but rapidly went downhill to the point where it was little more than a dirt track.

Here’s just a small selection of the photos I took inside.

Inside the Cathedral[11]

Correct that, it WAS a dirt track even though the sat-nav insisted it was a road!  On the way we came across the strangest sight – we’d noticed the shadow of a vulture pass over the car and looked up only to see a burned out forest.

dead forest

That went on for some time then it was back to the usual desert-like scenery for what seemed like hours. At the end of it all we arrived at Pozo Alcon and then headed toward Castril – an area we know well.

Lunch by the lake

We stopped off for lunch by the lake and after a brief stop in Huescar came back home. All in all an interesting day. I’ve added the photos and more to the June 2016 album on Flickr

In Guadix