Spanish Inland Properties, our first weekend and Skype

Last night we met up with the couple who own Spanish Inland Properties and had a pleasant evening at the local pub/restaurant with them. I’m (re)writing this on Sunday morning and once again, not a cloud in the sky. Having got SKYPE working, Maureen had a chat with her folks in the USA – amazing to think you can be in a cave in Spain and chat to the USA for what amounts to pennies…. I’m updating this on the Vodafone card, hopefully if I get a few minutes later today when I’m near a WIFI signal I’ll put up some more photos. I’ve added a slideshow block on the right of the blog – apologies for lack of picks – rest assured I’ll make up for that later on. Uploading a ton of photos via mobile telephony isn’t really that practical – but from tomorrow onwards we’ll have wifi.
Today looks like a grafting day. We were planning to go off to some lakes but Maureen’s decided it’s gardening day – we’re off to get a cover for the Pergola and get some plants (the area surrounding the cave currently looks like a desert so we need to “green it up” a little. I’ll get the camera out as soon as we’ve something to show for our efforts. There’s a local store called “Combustibles” which apparently opens early on Sunday mornings! So we’re off there for the all-important coffee then off to the garden centre. I can tell this is not going to be a cheap day.