Life in Blighty
Just to prove it’s not ALL bad back in Blighty, we’ve had on and off a few good days recently. I’m in Blackpool this week stopping at the Big Blue before heading off to see my pal Jonathan in West Yorkshire. The weather here today has been superb and after a quiet night at one of my favourite Italian restaurants (San Marcos here in Blackpool) I took a walk down to the seafront (all of 100 metres away) and took some photos, the result of which you see above. If only it was warmer here more often. Really pleasant.
A mere 4.5 weeks to go before heading off to Galera, where the temperature is currently sitting at 33 degrees mid-day – lovely. The inside of our home over there (according to my new remote temperature monitors) is 22 degrees in the kitchen. I plan to try out my new solar phone charger (it’s not bright enough here in the UK to test it properly) and of course to kit out the new automated timer for watering the plants (it IS possible to grow plants near our place but if they don’t get watered every night it’s curtains for most of them). I can’t wait.