What’s this about?
This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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How to make a Cave-home

Stage one in Cave-home building - find a hole somewhereGot up really early this morning after a death-defying walk last night and instead of feeling like a trip to the hospital I actually had some energy – so Maureen and I walked down the hill to the village for coffee – and back up – and I STILL don’t feel a heart-attack coming on – has to be a good thing.

NOT how to build a cavehome - whole lot falls to bitsAnyway, while we were walking in the early hours it occurred to me to take pics…

How to make a cave-home

Best cementing job ever1. Start off with a hole in the mountain (see top right). Preferably ancient. Not all cave-homes start this way. Some start with a great big edge above the hole – which the builders conveniently ignore hence guaranteeing that at some point the whole lot will collapse on top of you (see top left).

2. Get some breeze-block, preferably broken and do the worst Make sure there is some attractive scenery nearbyjob you possibly can in putting cement in-between the blocks. Google translation at its bestYou can always cover it over with plaster later.  Add rounded top to wall with cement which will crack and drop off after its first winter (see wall).

3. Pick a suitable site with attractive scenery. It’s important to ensure the place has beautiful views from the window (see purple car).

Second-hand slippers4. Put up signs and use Google for the translations to give that home-made look to the area (click on these images to enlarge – particularly the sign image on the right which will then be large enough to read).

5. Make sure there are some personal touches nearby – like cosy slippers on a ledge – you can’t beat second-hand slippers  (see slippers).

6. That’s it, stick an ad up and wait for the masses to flock to buy.

Now, on the other hand our little village of Galera is getting some great updates – last time I looked the church was pretty derelict – today, well, you’d not recognise it… here are some other pics I took this morning around the village – again – remember – click on the image for the large version if you’re interested.

Church in Galera - LovelyFantastic view climbing up from the village

More views climbing up from the village

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