What’s this about?
This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

Find out more about this by reading through the blog entries, menu-accessible pages and archives if you're interested! Welcome to Peter and Maureen's Spanish website.

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Archive for the ‘Orce’ Category

A Good Day for a Swim

Last night I did a bit of cementing – incarcerating countless thousands of ants at the same time. Of course that is just setting me up for a painting task in a couple of days. Today for the first time we took off to one of the pools – the public pool in Orce. Fed by constant spring-water, the pool is bollock-freezing cold no matter what time of the year. The fields on the other hand are now dry as a bone but still full of colour.

PoppiesAnd so it was, armed with towels we headed to the fish-infested waters of Orce – and my, have they grown. There were no more than a dozen or so people there today including some Germans who were keen to pass the time with conversation. 

Maureen with new gadgetsThis was our first dip and to be fair the water really was not that cold. With outside temperatures peaking at 26c the cool-off was very welcome.

Getting ready to go to a small gathering tonight – no doubt featuring alcohol and we have a couple of new toys to take to the lake tomorrow! I have to say I am quite looking forward to giving these a try-out – each complete with two drink-holders, no less. Or one drink and a bottle of sun-oil perhaps.

This afternoon I’ve been doing a little more work on text-to-speech for my little controllers – had some success with that – and now looking for a spare battery for the camera – not like the old days when camera batteries lasted for months, it pays to have a spare.

The area is looking great now with poppies springing up all over the place. Today I felt sorry for hay fever types as the air was full of spores. Summer is definitely here – I can feel a tour of the coast coming on soon.


The Orce Medieval Market

What a nice evening – Maureen and I headed over to the Orce Medieval Market… great evening – lots of atmosphere and a whole load of drum banging.  Many of the folk we’ve come to know from the village go along so there is always someone to talk to. The pictures pretty much say it all so at this point I’ll shut up… Sunday 3rd August Orce Sunday Medieval Market.




more market

First week of the Summer in Galera

Orce houseWe’re on our second day in Spain and the weather is wonderful – as yet not too hot and crystal clear skies.

We arrived last night and had a couple of drinks Before heading off to bed.

Today, well we didn’t do much really, I didn’t surface until 11am and got on with ensuring my remote controls were working (updating software to new mesh code I’ve been playing with at home and installed both at the house and the cottage) – as well as finding a leak in the watering system for the plants and fixing up some solar lights.

map to alboxWe were planning nothing for the night when our neighbours dropped in early evening to say we’re going out! So we all went off to Orce and had a nice, quiet meal and drink – very pleasant.

Tomorrow we’re off in a 2-car convoy to Albox where we will find a garden centre, a supermarket, a general hardware store and one of the largest Chinese shops in the area – all in all everything you need for a good shopping day out.

I need some shelving, we need a TV cabinet and a whole boatload of supplies. Shops close at 2pm so we’re making an early start.

Click on images to expand.

A house in Orce