What’s this about?
This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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Almost Like Summer

Chinese Menu

What a day it’s been today, 20c in the shade and non-stop sunshine which made it feel a LOT hotter – if only every day could be like that. We’ve been over to BAZA for a spot of shopping and lunch at a local Chinese who offer menu delights such as “Sour and Hot Soap” and “Fried Rice with Trhee Delights”.  The mind boggles…but at 5 euros for the lunchtime menu comprising 3 courses – it really was quite nice (main drive into BAZA for those interested, not the shiny new Chinese on the left, the older one further up)  but first we stopped off at the lighting store who had a genuine 50% off sale to get white lamps for our new gate posts… they’re BIG – but they look good.

Tree at the garden centreAfter lunch we picked up one of those little plug-in FM wireless transmitters for the mobile phone to let you pick up the audio on the car radio – I have this facility back at home but that’s not much use in a rental car. Last night I downloaded all 64 episodes of “Coffee Break Spanish” podcasts which are really quite interesting other than taking up over a gigabyte of space – and so we started on that course in the car on the way to the garden centre (an aborted trip as we arrived at 2.15pm, figured they opened at 3pm and so went on a trip… turns out they didn’t open till 4pm – we’ll try again tomorrow. But the weather was so nice it didn’t matter.

Trees at the garden centreOn our journey into the countryside, something you don’t see every 5 minutes…  a field full of CD’s tied to sticks to scare off the birds.

In bright sunlight they look absolutely brilliant but they didn’t photograph too well. When we got back to the garden centre the entrance to the main building was closed, we hung around a little while taking photos of trees and plants – then cleared off. The sun is failing now as it’s after 6pm but it’s still very bright out there – hopefully tomorrow will be another lovely day. A quiet night in I think…


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