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This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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A Weekend Trip


After dropping Alison off at the airport using our new route which took us less than two hours from Galera to San Javier airport, we headed off for a spot of shopping on Friday before driving down the AP7 to a little place near VERA to visit the cave-home of some new friends.

Before leaving the San Javier area we took a trip to Eroski and a new Chinese junk store you really must Hipermercado Chinovisit.  Starting at the airport- leave the airport going straight over the first roundabout – at the second roundabout turn extreme right and head on up to San Javier.. THROUGH the town, always veering to the right a bit if there is a choice, you will eventually get to EROSKI which is a large mall+supermarket on the RIGHT but BEFORE then you will pass HIPERMERCADO CHINO on the right, a large factory-style building. Park up and go in – so what’s different between this and the normal Chinese junk store?

Well, for one thing they have FAR more junk but also at the far end of the place, they have a wide range of compact fluorescent lights-  at less than half the price you’ll see in the junk stores here and a fraction of the Carrefour price. I noted the spiral lamps at as little as 1.5 euros. There are TWO similar Chinese stores almost next to each other, we only visited the one – maybe next time.

Yellow Rat Bastard - shopIf you’ve grocery shopping to do before hitting your destination you could do worse than visit EROSKI which is in a complex (you really can’t miss it if you follow the instructions above) and don’t forget the shops upstairs – they have some strangely-named shops here- how about “Yellow Rat Bastard” for a shop name!!

There’s also a nice little cafe in there selling the most superb snacks – my favourite being a croissant filled with ham and cheese. Mmmmm.

Casitas de Playa90 minute later, after a speedy trip down the AP7 (pay road and very nice too for 1.5 Euros) VERY differently constructed to the caves in Galera (or at least the ones for the Brits) our friends’ home has walls and ceilings which are very thick and smooth in texture.

We stayed with them overnight on Friday and on Saturday morning, they took us down to the local beach for a guided tour, then to one of the local towns itself to see the reservoir – all very new and impressive.

I’ve included some images here just to give the flavour of the place… Today (Sunday) the sun for the FIRST TIME IN 2 WEEKS is hiding away behind clouds, an excellent opportunity for a spot of painting – or perhaps just a totally wasted day watching TV? Only time will tell.





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