A weekend short trip to Seville
This weekend we headed off with friends to Seville. Maureen and I stayed in a hotel in Dos Hermanas just south of Seville and our friends who had brought their caravan as they are now heading off to Portugal, stayed in a nearby and excellent camping site called “Camping Villsom”. Our hotel was called the MARE and is situated along the Avenue de la Libertad.
The weather was superb throughout, generally hovering around 30c or so in the afternoons. We set off on Friday morning from Galera and arrived mid-afternoon after a 380km trip. By then it was a little late to do anything so we headed off down to the caravan site where they had an excellent swimming pool.
We had our own at the hotel but for whatever reasons they closed it a few days ago. An hour in the pool refreshed everyone after the long day’s drive.
The girls went off to the supermarket and we had dinner by the caravan – very nice, though the supermarket burgers bore more than a passing resemblance to vulcanised rubber and so the food wasn’t entirely successful.
Saturday after parking our car at the station at Dos Hermanas, we all packed into the (very comfortable and inexpensive) train and went to Seville. We walked some distance from the train (I made my 10,000 steps no problem that day) pretty much straight into the city centre via some really interesting back streets. We did the usual tour locations and had a great lunch in an upmarket restaurant near the main church before heading off to take pictures of stained glass windows.
That night, Maureen and I picked our friends up and we headed into town, found a very nice restaurant with everyone sitting outside and had dinner before retiring early for our drive back up home today (the other two went off on their trip to Portugal). As we left the hotel we bought some diesel for the car at 96.9cents a litre – cheapest I’ve seen for a while and WAY cheaper than the UK.
On the way we called into Antequera (160km away from Seville) to visit and after spending ages looking for a bank only to find a street chocker full of them, we headed off for lunch – paella in one of those cafes on the street that Europeans do so well – the place was packed which is interesting as it isn’t exactly peak tourist season right now – we’ll definitely be going back at some point – a REALLY nice city.
Of COURSE on the way back we had to stop up the motorway just short of Guadix at Purullena for some pottery!
A very nice if short break. I came back to a bust fuse – still to be resolved, one of the breakers goes to (as far as I can tell) a single socket – with nothing in the socket it STILL takes the 30ma leakage unit out – I can see some wall bashing coming on this week.