A New Summer
And here we are once again in Spain, the start of hopefully a beautiful summer. The crossing was uneventful, other than THREE charging us ridiculous sums for data while on the boat.
Our trip to Bilbao turned out to be a trip to Santander (near enough) from which we travelled down to somewhere we’d never been to before – Burgos, stopping at a small hotel on the outskirts of town on Calle Don Juan De Austria.
Burgos itself has lots to offer including a fantastic cathedral. As we were only stopping overnight, we went into town first thing in the morning and took a look at the cathedral but it really is going to need a separate trip (bearing in mind we had 3 cats in the back of the car).
Also even with the sun out it was not quite t-shirt weather so despite the attractions we were as keen to get back into the warm car. Maybe later in the year.
From there we drove down to Galera, arriving late afternoon – I think something like 7 hours (plus 2 hours to get to Burgos in the first place).
We’ve had mixed weather up to now, hitting 30c+ one day then cooling off but today was great, we had shopping to do in Baza and it was around 24c most of the day – absolutely ideal.
We’ve already met up with several of our friends here, sadly some are either away or going away around now but that’ll make it all the better when they come back!
We have a new grass area (artificial – too hot in the summer for a lawn) and I’m working out plans to put up my new solar cell as well as testing out some new Amazon speech synthesis code for the home control system.
This takes over from an earlier system called Ivona which has a pretty natural voice for a machine. Anyway that’s all blogged over at the tech blog if anyone is interested.
The cats survived the journey well, no accidents, not even a moan. Simba is back to his usual tricks of sitting licking himself to death – I can see a neck collar on if he keeps it up – but he does look more relaxed than usual so maybe he’ll be ok.
All of these pictures should expand if you click on them incidentally.
This week we’re dropping some friends off at the airport and from there taking a trip up to Valencia, quite a drive but the weather will hopefully hold up and it is an opportunity to find new Chinese junk stores and visit more new places.