A Good Start – Not!
For our latest adventure we set off from home mid-morning for our flight to Spain – weather forecast said rain all week.
We arrived at the airport in time to discover the plane being delayed for 3 hours during which my stomach gave me more grief than I can ever remember. We decided to play safe and book a hotel in Cartagena – very nice indeed – Hotel Los Hombreras – nice view. The bar like many over here was full of smokers, not exactly what you want when you’re feeling ill but we had a good evening totally ruined by me being utterly ill overnight.
Next morning we set off for Galera and watched the weather degrade by the mile. It’s snowing on and off in Galera, very pretty of course but we’ve a slight problem – the amateur-night-out electricity over here, supplied by the builders is running extremely low voltage, around 170 instead of the normal 220-240v. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to do the math and discover that this means heaters putting out around HALF of their rated output (not make sense? See below) and so keeping warm is the current priority. I’m terrified of leaving the premises until my guts are in better order and right now Maureen is putting together some porridge to test the waters!
The broken broadband turned out to be nothing more than a corroded wire and so at least I can check my emails and run the iPhone without a massive bill. Those of you who follow this blog will know that I use Vodafone when roaming as they offer(ed) a flat rate overseas – well, looks like they’ve changed their minds – I’m having it checked right now but according to the text message from them, they want £9.99 for 50 meg and then £9.99 for every 50 meg after that – can you imagine it – bunch of THIEVES. Anyway, that might’ve been a standard message and someone in the office is checking for me – more later.
All out of newspapers and magazines to read… it’s a tough life….