The Stars at Night – Spanish Version
In this photo I’ve done my best to get rid of camera noise. What you’re looking at here is a photo taken at midnight up in the mountains – no that’s not cloud – going up what you’re looking at is the edge of our galaxy on a crystal-clear night.
If I could have taken a panorama you’d have seen a glowing “cloud” cutting right across the sky – sadly even my modern digital camera still can’t beat the naked eye (give it time).
The images were taken with a 60 second exposure in the darkest spot I could find on a moonless night (and it was DARK). I’ve seen the “cloud” back home but never so clearly and never managed to get it on a picture before. After you’re eyes get used to it, it’s quite possible here to see a sky packed full of stars – utterly fascinating.
On the other hand – mid-afternoon – sunflowers just outside of the village – really the photo does not do them justice.
On a long and windy road we took just for the sake of it… and on the way back… we spotted some wine in the making – red wine unfortunately (I used to drink tons of the stuff but Maureen and I went off the idea at about the same time. Later on we did visit the Necropolis just outside of town – but it doesn’t open until late at night and involves lots of walking so we’re going to have another go tomorrow, once I get a little emailing and survey processing done first thing for the Fed.