What’s this about?
This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

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Posts Tagged ‘Orce market’

A REALLY hot day

View from the Galera Hotel balconyWhat a scorcher, after a pleasant if uneventful trip to the village last night which ended early despite the band starting up in the town square, this morning we headed off to the ORCE market… fairly average – it’s now fairly obvious that the traders travel from area to area as you see the same faces at each market…. but pleasant.

A quick trip to BAZA where I found a battery-operated pump for the new boat  (and a new GREEN laser) and off we went to the lake where we spent the afternoon relaxing in the water and testing out the new blow-up boat.

I’m now sitting at the computer catching up with emails – and I’m roasting – head’s red, legs are red – I reckon I’ll be suffering soon. Still – keeps me occupied instead of stewing about being embarrassed to be British (see riots on TV)

Tuesday Market in OrceLocal hotel in Orce

The continued adventures…

The Orce market was ok – could have been a little more exciting – but the air was really nice and warm and so it was worth the trip. (Don’t forget to click on these images if you want to view larger originals)

Orce Market on Sunday

Old cars at the Orce marketSome old cars on view, lots of stalls selling everything from soaps from France (everyone seems to sell the same ones – even in France – it’s nearly always the Provencal soaps) to locally-produced wicker baskets, jewellery.. you know… market stuff.  Best of the lot however are the many and varied herbs on sale claiming to cure everything from cancer to diabetes.. not sure how I feel about that as clearly they DON’T but then Lots of drum noise in Orce marketLORDES gets the crowds in as well and clearly that doesn’t perform miracle cures either…  for my own purposes I assume they’re just being light-hearted about this…

After that we cleared off to the local Pizza place in Galera for a few quiet drinks and finished the night off in the Jacuzzi (which is currently cold – strange you may say, well ,it was still 30c outside when it turned dark!!) 

Today I’ve spent most of the day glued to the screen learning how to program Facebook Apps and writing reports, Maureen is glued to the TV, I’ve fixed the nodding solar Queen (again, it keeps getting dropped)… and neighbour Richard is back and we’ve agreed that this Wednesday night we’ll take our shovel and cement and fill in a couple of holes in the road (well, someone has to do it and there’s no-one else here!) and tonight we’ve been invited to a local BBQ – I’ll take the camera.


Oh and people keep asking where we are.. I keep saying north of Granada which is not strictly correct. Here’s Orce in respect to Galera and Huescar.

So in the map below, Galera is highlighted with the A symbol, Granada is lower left, Murcia upper right… maps clearly are copyright Google!  Tomorrow I think a trip to Cullar pool which we’ve just found out about! (directly down from Galera in photo below)Galera in Spain