Posts Tagged ‘Embalse Del Negratin’
Embalse Del Negratin – a Day in the Sun
Another day, another trip to Embalse Del Negratin. This time Jonathan had some stomach issues and so there was just the three of us while he stayed back at the cave. We took a packed lunch and lots of suntan lotion. This is going to be a new regular trip for me, just a short distance away from BAZA, this lake has the most wonderful colour and although a little chilly when you first get in the water (which is chocker-block full of sizeable fish!) you don’t want to come out.
We took a cheap Chinese blow-up with us and could have stayed there all day. We met an Australian couple who were camping and had a good chat with them but largely simple enjoyed the sun. There’s a nice restaurant there of course but if you’re just out to sunbath all you need is suntan lotion, some grub and the weather and we certainly had that.
Rather than rant on about what was entirely a visual and tanning experience, here are a few photos here just to give you an idea of the place….
Another Sunny Day in Andalucía
Today we’re planning a shopping expedition to Baza then back, armed with sandwiches to Embalse Del Negratin for some more sun. Some of the internal patching is now done, ready for a coat of paint, I suspect external fixes might take a little longer and we’re just recovering from a quote to fix the roof – after recovering from the shock it occurred to me I could buy a car for that amount.
But for today, the important thing is to enjoy the glorious sunshine. Temperatures yesterday hit 33 degrees and I suspect will do again today – the sky is clear blue as it has been pretty much all week apart from the occasional light, puffy cloud. You just can’t beat swimming in a nice cool lake when it’s as hot as this outside.
A little more painting later today and the plan is to polish off the evening sitting outside with neighbours to enjoy the evening sun and possibly the odd glass of wine. Jonathan is taking care of the barbeque.