Big excursion of the week – Thader
Just an airport run to pick up the boss but decided on an overnight stoppover..

Not the most picturesque hotel (needs trees) but awfully handy for the motorway and shopping (2 minute walk to Thader shopping centre) as a stopover on the way to Alicante Airport.

Oh and had a trip to Brico Depot in Crevellent – as always – beats B&Q hands down despite being from the same parent company.

The Now Defunct Emilios and Far from defunct 3JJJs
For years, my favourite breakfast spot was Emilios bar/restaurant on the road from Huescar to Baza via Castillejar. Nothing better than a quiet breakfast outside in the sun at this delightful but now sadly defunct bar just past Los Carriones on the A4200 route from Huescar and on to Benamourel and Baza.

Sadly now closed but just further west a km or so is the Bar 3JJJs with its shop which sells lots of English food for those who like to buy English food (generally not a fan with exceptions). Google Maps rightly calls the shop Supermercado El Salto but seems to make no reference to the 3JJJs displayed proudly on the wall of this smaller but pleasant cafe. I’m not one for unhealthy “Full English” breakfast but made an exception this week and can recommend the place for said full English as well as my more normal coffee (cafe con leche) and “tostada con tomate” breakfast. Staff are pleasant and a good if simple atmosphere.

For me you can’t beat a simple tostada – not pre-made but with toast, a bowl of tomato, a bottle of olive oil and salt, out in the country away from towns and the noise.
Mid-September update
Slight amendment to 3JJJs recommendation – this week gone I ordered tostada con tomate e queso fundida (toast with tomato and melted cheese) – the tomatoes, instead of being finely chopped as usual came simply sliced complete with skin etc… didn’t enjoy that at all, others might. Never come across that in spain in all the years we’ve been here. Won’t try that again.
A Lovely Summer Day at the Crowded Spanish Coast
Well it is holiday season after all and we’ve had a quiet day at the beach just south of Aquillas (south of Spain).

Of course at this time of year there’s no such thing as a secluded area but we had a nice time regardless at La Carolina, one of several short stretches of beach surrounded by mountainous rock.

We spent the day simply idling on the beach with the odd dip in the water. Rather choppy so next week Aquillas itself as it has a nice sheltered cove.

Makes a break from constantly DOING stuff. We’ve just returned from a trip to the UK to visit friends and a spot of maintenance. Back here in Spain, not much happening on the new gadget front as many companies are on holiday right now – and just a few minor repairs to do around the house, so what better when it’s too hot to do outside work than cooling off in the sea.

Hottest July on Record Except in Northumberland
To escape the heat in Galera (fine until July but then particularly hot – see photo below) we decided to go to the UK for the back-end of July and early August while, simultaneously, UK friends of ours stay at the cave.

While it’s not COLD in Bellingham (Northumberland), it IS drizzling a lot as usual. Hence instead of sitting outside enjoying the weather, I’m sitting in here while Maureen is coffeeing with a friend.

Spending a lot of time in bars and restaurants here is out of the question, thanks to Covid and Brexit which together with rampant opportunism have jacked up UK prices far more, I suspect than those who spend all their time here realise.

I’ve seen prices well over double what they were just a couple of years ago and… well, a tale for another day.
The house here is quite new for us and I’m making good headway toward getting the electrical basics up and running. Got dehumidifiers sorted, temperature monitoring and broadband in-hand and more – but will a long way to go and I only have another 12 days. Wish me luck
Summer is Upon Us – Sort Of
After more torrential rain then a couple of days of calm in Galera this week gone, Maureen and I headed off down to Nerja at Spain’s south coast – a lovely area we’ve been to several times – but with a twist.

The day we arrived, we walked down to the coast from our apartment just up the hill. Luckily we were positioned right next to the usual bars and restaurants at the beach and so for our first dinner – a nice little Indian restaurant in which you could sit outside and watch the tourists and the beach.
The restaurant was lovely, not very expensive and the only let-down was the British who tend to get loud on holiday – well, a certain sector of the Brits anyway.
Our apartment was comfortable – breakfast included – Carmen Rooms if anyone if interested.
Recovering from the drive, we’d had a nap and so didn’t get out until fairly late.
The weather was stunning – probably around 28c in the shade, still around 25-26c in the evening.

The photo below looks deceptively empty – an area JUST above the Balcon De Europa – a delightful shopping/restaurant area at the coast in Nerja.

And there it is, the Balcon De Europa – stunning.

Day 2 we went down to the beach and stayed there for a couple of hours (I spent most of it on my backside) and simply enjoyed the sun and the view.

After the beach we headed back to our apartment where we had a pool to soak in – effectively private as we were the only ones using it before having a nap then heading off to a different part of Nerja (West end) for dinner – again at the sea front but this time a little more up-market – no screaming kids – very civilised.

No question about it, we’ll be heading back there again when time permits.. Same town, completely different view and feel to the place. Just a short break (2 nights) but very welcome.
That’s it for now – we came back to Galera yesterday to superb sunshine and a perfectly warm pool of our own.
Sadly today the heavens opened up again in Galera – so much for the weathermen – but no harm done and there’s a good chance of some sunshine tomorrow – anyway it’s still warm enough to sit around in a t-shirt.
Come to Spain for the Sunshine, Didn’t they Say?
Despite a GREAT start to the year with constant sunshine, we’re currently suffering thunderstorms and heavy overnight rain. Having said that, it is warm now (May ’23) and most mornings have seen some sunshine. This morning I received some new solar lights to review and I gave them a great charge in the sun before the weather finally went downhill.
Of course, not everyone is hating the rain – farmers will be loving it and to be fair, our favourite lake has been suffering from too many sunny days (and a leak).
Take a look in the photo below, that grassy plain in the middle of the photo was a lake only a few short years ago.

The weather has of course been mixed – this morning in Galera was wonderful. This afternoon it is dire (in a Spanish kind of way – it’s still 18c).

Same day as above but in the afternoon

Meanwhile back at the lake, the lovely restaurant by the lake side looks like a scene from post WW3. The colouring is from last year’s Calima.