Mermelada De Tomate – Try this for Breakfast
For some time now I’ve been into having a simple Cafe Con Leche and Tostada Con Tomate breakfast – many of the local cafes do a decent job of that combo – and not expensive (2-3 Euros for the lot) which means going out for breakfast almost every day is very practical – not to mention that with no butter, the tomato is quite good for you. (obviously you would add a little salt and Olive Oil – well, I do anyway).

Well, didn’t we just discover this (thanks to our good neighbours). Mermelada Con Tomate does not taste as you might expect, the tomato flavour isn’t that strong – but it makes a great marmalade.
Now, if only they’d make a version that uses Stevia instead of sugar, I’d be VERY happy with this new variation, as it is I’m guessing tha occasional use will do no harm.