What’s this about?
This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

Find out more about this by reading through the blog entries, menu-accessible pages and archives if you're interested! Welcome to Peter and Maureen's Spanish website.

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Life out in the Wilds as the US and UK begin to Falter

Took the two boys up the hill this morning, meanwhile it seems we have the virus in Galera, so no doubt there will be some panic until the novely wears off. Thankfully, living on the edge of town it is relatively easy to keep out of the way.

Ruffy and Simba - early morning walk

Beautiful scenery - marred only by the ever-present power lines.

I just watched bits of the RNC (USA) on the web – I’m wishing I’d never taken any notice of the last few years of American and British politics. Here in the wilds of Andalucia (I’ve yet to figure out if that should be “s” or “c”) it is just about possible to simply say “to hell with it all” and enjoy the simple life along with a nice set of neighbours.

Don’t get me wrong, “simple” for me includes high speed broadband but that is slowly happening out here.

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