What a day. From the most beautiful start – to thunderstorms in the course of a day.
This morning we headed off to BAZA, having been told that they sell HENRY vacuums up there. Having destroyed a few lesser units over the course of years we decided to do the job properly and get a vacuum with a BAG. Well, not unsurprisingly, Baza was WAY over the top pricing-wise at around 160 Euros for a Henry look-alike – sorry guys, we weren’t born yesterday, Amazon it is.
It was approaching lunchtime by now and our pal LEN had told us of a town called Gorafe, so we went to have a look. FREENAV is sat-nav software I’ve been using for some time now on my S4 phone but it’s looking more and more as if it’s destined for the bin – as it wanted to send us down a torturous route taking 2 hours from Baza to Gorafe – the place is that close you could almost SEE it were it not for the mountains in-between! Something like 45km. Anyway, we decided to take the obvious route – the A92 – and I recommend that to anyone nearby giving it a go…
The trip to Gorafe, once you get off the motorway marginally resembles a trip we did to Andorra with much of the journey winding around a mountain except this time the town is at the BOTTOM – so far down your ears start to notice.
The views are superb. Just off to one side of the town is a tiny white religious figure way up at the top of a hill, we took the opportunity to drive as far as we could and walk the rest right to the top – and the views, clearly were worth the effort.
Driving back into the town itself, by now it was perhaps 2pm or so – we stopped at a local bar for a coke and some lunch. The lady there did not understand a word we said but we sat outside in the sun, I’d say it had to be approaching 30c, she put up a Martini stand and fed us a superb salad starter (I just picked the peppers out – the olives looked gross) and a really pleasant meat dish with the obligatory chips – all very reasonably priced. The sun cover was most welcome as I could feel my skin starting to shrink from the powerful sunshine.
And then came the rain – we drove back up toward Baza in brilliant sunshine, a beautiful day and then within minutes the rain started and the temperature dropped to an amazing 12c – unbelievable but true. We rushed back to Galera to rescue the washing and my battery and controller which were sitting outside – and got there just in time – as I write this, there is lightning in the background. I don’t expect it will last for long.
Click on the images for larger versions. Definitely worth the trip for anyone in the area.