What’s this about?
This is Peter and Maureen Scargill's Spanish website. We live in Galera in Andalusia (for clarity, that is the English spelling - Mid-Spain they spell it Andalucia and pronounce it "And-a-loo-thee-a").

We've had a home in Spain for more than 14 years and it is now our permanent base though we retain a small home in the UK.

Find out more about this by reading through the blog entries, menu-accessible pages and archives if you're interested! Welcome to Peter and Maureen's Spanish website.

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Archive for the ‘cats’ Category

Where do the weeks go?

HuescarI can’t believe it is a week since I wrote in here.  It’s been a quiet but productive week – we’ve had a few sessions down in the village – we’ve been to the lake and I’ve fixed the loo (most important).

Today after starting the morning with (wait for it) breakfast in the hot tub!! I’m putting up new mesh on the windows now that our far-too-bright cats have figured out that this is a potential escape mechanism.

In between jobs I’m improving my cave control APP for the phone – learning in leaps and bounds – and I’ve a spot of cementing to do later. Still some reliability aspects to sort – that watering system has to work EVERY time not most times… but I’m getting there.

Meanwhile, apart from some storms which always seem to be somewhere else, the weather has been great. typically 30c or higher during the day and still t-shirt weather at midnight.

Oh if you get a chance – check out “Legends” – there’s an entire series 1 available on Sky catchup – bloody marvelous television.

Right – on with the jobs – you can’t beat Sunday morning with your fingers covered in clear silicon sealant.

The weekend approaches

Views of GaleraCracking night in downtown Galera Thursday night – sadly as often happens when one enjoys good company (and some new company), one had a slight headache yesterday morning.

And so a very quiet day. After I’d handled the usual email mountain, Maureen and I went off to local bar/restaurant La Posa for a late lunch yesterday (and a REALLY nice ham sandwich) before heading off to help out our friends with their Kindle. I took a couple of pictures while we were out including one from way up at the top of the hill where the Church is but the place really shines when the weather is great – which it’s not now… maybe in 3 months time.

All week the sun has been trying to appear but it’s quite damp – I think there’s going to be a fair bit of rain before this clears up. Temperatures up to maybe 14c in the afternoons.

We decided to give the Friday pub-crawl a miss last night and were just giving up when our new neighbour dropped in a note from one of the guys to remind me of a corrosive wall treatment we’d been discussing (if you’re looking in – thanks!) – I can see me stinking the place up shortly (we get a mica-like substance appearing in the walls from time to time which is pretty, but destructive).

Views of GaleraI was rather disappointed to find that one of our road repairs which had handled the winter so well, from one day to the next a bloody great crack has appeared down one side (3 inches across) – one has to wonder what the builders were thinking about when they put some of this stuff together. Actually I think they were thinking about payment, not quality.

I’ll give it until May to settle then the bags of concrete are coming out – unless some kind nearby soul beats me to it.

pesky catsAnd that’s that – after a slightly punctuated night’s sleep, we’re up early, lots do to.

It’s 9.30am and the sun is once again having an attempt to force it’s way through – and it’s not the only thing, as I was typing this I looked through the mesh covered windows and… you may notice there are two of them – fair-weather friends. I see now why people put bird-mesh on the outside – to stop these fellows poking their noses through the insect mesh!

Weather is weird… as you see in the picture below, you’d think I’d photoshopped the mountains out – but I haven’t  – that’s what it looks like – flat land!

cloud cover