A trip to Huescar

See the picture on the right – late evening – a partial rainbow, sitting in the sky with nothing above or below it – never seen that before.
After the umpteenth power cut yesterday we discovered that the caves are fed from a common temporary feed originally intended for the builders to use – and limited to 2.5KW – so now we have 2 neighbours, any combination of heavy-duty kit – such as washing machines – can knock out the fuse. We’ve had the builder over and that’s now hopefully fixed but just in case I spent part of the day putting the entire WIFI/Connectivity setup onto battery backup so it can survive a short power cut. Everything’s been fine since.
Maureen went on a mirror-buying spree yesterday and this morning (having slept in till 1am after a late night down in the village) after buying ANOTHER mirror from the village and some brackets to hold my new webcam (remotely accessible – more on that later) my jobs include finishing off the cubboards and hiding many, many cables on my desk, currently sprawled over the floor – not to mention plastering in some cables.
So sorry viewer, nothing too exciting right now, just work – we’re half-expecting the remainder of the furniture to arrive mid-week and so it’s just possible we might be able to end this trip leaving a fully-furnished home for our next trip. It’s sunny again today, I’ve just came back from the “Super Bazar” in Huescar armed with new tools, paint pad, plaster, insulating tape and a new USB hub for the laptop (so I don’t have to keep swapping gadgets back and forth), its around 32 degrees C, clear skies and it’s time for me to to some jobs.