A quiet weekend at the garden centre near BAZA in Andalucia

The garden centre itself is like any other large’ish garden centre except of course for the actual plants, many of which would not grow easily in the UK – oh and the total absense of speaking English – which is always a challenge –
but we manage. Being absolutely ignorant of which was which when it comes to flowers – I just photographed the prettiest ones – I could actually spend hours doing just that, maybe I’m too easy to please!
On our travels we passed 2 houses with gardens and the strangest-looking scarecrows. We ended our trip by visiting the local general hospital (well, you never know) and had lunch at a delightful cafe at the front of the hospital – in it’s grounds.
Amazingly, lunchtime on Saturday, the big local town – next to no traffic – you’d think the place was deserted – we could only imagine that everyone was having a siesta. We’re back at the cave now, in for the afternoon as I’ve lots of jobs to do, Maureen is fighting with the computer upstairs – and it’s absolutely silent outside, no dogs, no traffic, nothing – lovely. Out with the drill!! There are more photos of houses and flowers on Flickr. Pics of Bedrock soon. Soon we’re off to see what the major has put on for the evening before retiring to the “Curry Cave” for a nice Indian meal. I’ll take the camera.