A Lovely Sunday in Andalucia
Another sunny day today, warmer than the forecast. After a late start then doing some jobs around the house, putting up the postbox and our “welcome” sign on our new wall, we went off for a late and leisurely lunch at the Monte Carlo restaurant in Cullar – my favourite “Magra Con Tomate” in my case… then we went for a drive around the back of Cullar for no particular reason and discovered the municipal pool!
The pool isn’t in the best of condition but then it is the end of season – and it’s closed – it will be interesting to see what it looks like next summer. There’s a nice bar and restaurant there as well and what looks like a smaller pool for the kids.
From there we went off to Huescar for the “SpongeBob SquarePants” 3-day Fair – which turned out to be just a bunch of migrant types selling cheap Chinese goods – and a fair with rides in the middle of the town square… when we got there the sun was going down and it looked a bit cheesy – lots of plastic goods and handbags – but to be fair we didn’t see it in full swing.
Personally I think Huescar does a lot better in it’s weekly market on Thursdays than this.
All in all not a bad way to spend a day – but wait for the next blog!